February 12: Closing the shop at 5pm due to weather. Free shipping on orders of $75 or more (excludes small appliances). Curbside pickup available.

Unlock 75 extraordinary uses for sweet, sweet honey! Packed with vitamins and minerals, plus a hit of antioxidants and antibacterial benefits, honey can be a true hero for treating ulcers, burns, skin sores, and more. It's even been known to beat cough suppressants at their own game, silencing nighttime hackings and soothing sleep.

The Honey Companion, written by culinary and DIY master Suzy Scherr, brings together recipes, home remedies, and beauty tricks to unlock the potential of this glorious elixir. Plus, you'll get crafty with ideas for beeswax-powered house projects. Think: Honey-Sesame Popcorn, Shortcut Baklava, Herbal Cough Drops, Burns Treatment, Conditioning Hair Treatment, and Beeswax Granite Countertop Polish!

6.1 x 9.1 in / 208 pages

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